​Saturday, February 23, 2019
French Creek Golf Club
4500 Conestoga Road, Elverson, PA
6-7 p.m. VIP Cocktail Hour with special guest Top Chef Ron Duprat
7-11 p.m. General Admission

Join us for a wonderful night of Dinner, Dancing, Drinks, Raffles, Live Auction, Wine Pull and More!
TICKET includes appetizers, signature food stations, dessert, and open bar from 7-11 p.m.
TICKET INCLUDING VIP COCKTAIL HOUR includes an exclusive VIP Cocktail Hour from 6-7 p.m. with live cooking demonstration by special guest Top Chef Ron Duprat, appetizers, open bar with special featured cocktail, and a raffle ticket to win VIP Door Prize - along with admission to the event.
Individual Tickets - $120
Individual Tickets including VIP Cocktail Hour - $150
$100 TABLE SPONSORSHIP - Sponsor's name/info/logo will be displayed on table
$250 WINE PULL SPONSORSHIP - Sponsor’s name/info/logo will be displayed on a sign at the Wine Pull Table, be included on social media and listed on the Designing 4 Hope website for one (1) year.
$500 MEGA RAFFLE "SHOPPING SPREE" SPONSORSHIP - Sponsor’s name/info/logo will be displayed on a sign with the Mega Raffle “Shopping Spree” Item, be included on social media and listed on the Designing 4 Hope website for one (1) year.
$700 FOOD STATION SPONSORSHIP - Sponsor’s name/info/logo will be displayed on a sign at a Food Station, be included on social media and listed on the Designing 4 Hope website for one (1) year. (Includes 2 VIP tickets to the event)
$950 BAR SPONSORSHIP - Sponsor’s name/info/logo will be displayed on a sign at the Bar, be included on social media and listed on the Designing 4 Hope website for one (1) year. (Includes 2 VIP tickets to the event)
$1,500 PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP - Sponsor will have 30 second commercial before Live Auction Event (either by their own representative or can supply a script to be read by a D4H representative) to present their name/info/etc. Also includes any signage/banner/brochures provided by sponsor to be displayed on the Live Auction Items Table. Sponsor will also be included on social media and listed on the Designing 4 Hope website for one (1) year. (Includes 4 VIP tickets to the event)
Sponsor will have 30 second commercial before Live Auction Even (either by their own representative or can supply a script to be read by a D4H representative) to present their name/info/etc. Also includes any signage/banner/brochures provided by sponsor to be displayed on the Live Auction Items Table. Sponsor will also be included on social media and listed on the Designing 4 Hope website for one (1) year. (Includes 8 VIP tickets to the event)